What’s to like about tournaments?

Floating through the inter-webs perusing various media regarding Warhammer40k one finds a fair amount of negativity towards tournaments. From poor organization, lack of terrain, “that guy” scenarios, even out right cheating. Is there a good side to tournaments...

The November Objective Marker

It seems "The Objective Marker" segment of this blog has naturally fallen into a monthly article.Warning: This post will contain some non-40k material.But let's start off with some tournament pics from 9.1.12:Since the last Marker I attended a tournament at AFK...

6th Edition Gaming Aid

 Something a little different. I have seen several posts around the interwebs for gaming aids.I of course needed to make my own. One very good idea is a flip file.I spend about $14 US and about 15 minutes to make. There is quite a large number of printed...