The Objective Marker 9.13.12

Been too long since I posted. Work has been very demanding. When time is limited I try to hit the gym or even play a game of 40k.But, no one wants to hear my whining about work schedule. Let's talk about what I have been up to:1. Attended a local tournament on 9.1.12....

The Objective Marker

A quick update.7.21.12 First 6th ed tournament: *Lost horribly first round to GK's...though many problems in game from too many GK's in squads to issues with wound allocation. But, I rode it out.* Won second and third game, ending 5th.* Walked away with $25 and...

6th Ed. "First Tournament 7.21.12"

Heading out for my first 6th Edition Tournament this morning.I made a commitment to myself to play in tournaments with fully painted armies.The reason for this commitment is to keep me motivated to paint.I may later add "play ANY game with only painted armies."For now...

6th Edition Ruminations: "How Are You Going to Play the Game?"

6th Edition is among us and things are settling.Certain things begin to rise to the top and others float to the bottom in terms of use, army selection, general strategy, point limits, etc.It is very early, but not too early for a few ruminations.Here are my thought to...

2012 Mid Year Goal Evaluation

Time to see how I am doing on my 2012 goals regarding 40k and fitness.Just a review of goal setting. A "Goal" is generic, non specific thing you would like to accomplish.Let's use 40k as an analogy. The "Goal" is to win the game.See, it is broad, non specific.An...