Pathfinders: Salamander Scouts + Lifting Update

So have been working on meeting my February Commitment. Was a bit stymied between work and figuring out how I wanted to proceed with some Salamander Pathfinder tribesman.I finally caught a bit a break, such that any really exists, from work and found some...

Desert Hawk Tribe, Pathfinder Space Marines

 Did some work on my Dester Hawk Tribe of the Pathfinder Space Marines.First guy in the squad to get squad markings. So will go back and do that soon.But glad to finish this guy up as he has been on shelf for a bit.

Pathfinder Space Marines, Brother Krintas of the Silver Skulls

Another noble hero is recovered wounded and cut off from his chapter.Brother Krintas, Silver SkullsBrother Krintas has been reunited with his Chapter the honorable Silver Skulls. A second founding descendant of the Ultra-Marines.Before returning to duty on Varsavia,...

Little Something Different

These guys have been on my 'to paint' list for months on end and have remained in a semi-complete status for almost as long.Feels good to get them done.Also still working on getting decent photos with my iPAD2.Just behind them you can make out what guys are up...