Painting Challenges

Good DayI have decided to join in the fun with at least one 2016 painting challenge.I will post the links once I have finally chosen and gotten things situated.I am experimenting with taking photos from my iPad2 which may or may not be better than my dated digital...

Pathfinder Space Marines: Scout addition, Dark Sons gene seed

In addition to re-integrating lost battle brothers and recovering lost Chapter Relics, the Pathfinders consider the trinity of their sacred duty completed by one of rebuilding.Whenever possible depleted chapters gene seed is implanted in fresh recruits in the hopes of...

Pathfinder Space Marines: Brother Krintas, Dark Sons

First model of many planned for completion in the new year and a long overdue bike riding marine.Brother Krintas of the rarely seen Dark Sons Space Marine chapter.I admit I knocked him out at a quicker pace than usual and some degree of quality was the price for the...

Hobby Space and 15 years of painting projects ready, set, GO!

Bit of a picture dump for no good reason really.Santa gave me a nice case to put all my painted models in.I actually had more painted models than I thought and see another case like this in the near future.Going through all my figs and separating out the painted ones...