Tactics: Dealing with Psyker Death Stars

I recently attended the MI GT and saw or played against some very tough lists.Currently a very common theme is the SM Librarian Conclave Formation.It was in maybe 20/60 lists. Also prevalent where Psyker heavy Deamon or Eldar...or worse yet Deamon and Eldar lists....

FTGT Hobby Budget Challenge: February

Well, I did not meet my January challenge.I did complete the scout biker unit of 3 for $45.I only got about 2/3 done with my Captain and did not touch anything else.So, that leaves me $30 for January to add to February. With January calculations, post found HEREI have...

Breaking in the new gaming table and production line terrain

Well, I have not gotten much done in the last week on my FTGT Hobby Challenge. So, unfortunately no updates to share there.I did get some games in with my step-son who is new to 40K and we banged out some Kill Team.He won handily with a small elite force of Plague...