by Bernohn | Mar 18, 2014
Estoy sacando viejos posts que no los saqué en su momento.La historia es que cuando jugamos manimal y yo la 101, la jugamos mal, no sabíamos cuando se terminamba y supusimos que eran tres turnos. Así que cuando la releímos, decidimos jugarla de nuevo.Para ello yo...
by Bernohn | Mar 17, 2014
About two months ago in one of the many Facebook groups I am subcribed to, it appeared a publication of a new game with a western aestetics and no more information. As many of this new games coming out, it is from Spain, and as most of these Spanish games, they have a...
by Bernohn | Mar 12, 2014
When I was a teen Los Brujos were THE alternative Band, songs as Kanishka or La bomba musical, sounded everywhere.Bueno, resulta que cuando era pibe, los únicos Brujos eran unos de una banda alternativa que me gustaban muchísimo y que siguen gustándome. Temas como...
by Bernohn | Mar 10, 2014
The idea of this post is to share some alternatives to Games Workshop Games, not from my point of view, but from the miniature shop guy. First in spanish then in English (scroll down) Bueno, estaba divertido leyendo todas las elucubraciones sobre la caida de games...
by Bernohn | Feb 27, 2014
The new profiles are here (not here in my screen, not here in the place where I am writing this post, but they are here). The new bolts and the new big, huge, almost a bouncer Tarik Mansuri. As I am not a Pano player I am not aware of the true novelty in it. But my...