by Bernohn | Feb 24, 2014
Hoy salieron las novedades de infinity, las cuales fueron jugosas: Geckos, Starter de Neoterra con tropas nuevas, un Casarrecompensas, Neema un personaje Tohaa, el nuevo Tarik Mansuri (que parece que estuvo tomando esteroides porque es una miniatura tamaǹo Ayax).Today...
by Bernohn | Feb 21, 2014
First in spanish then in english (scroll down, dont be lazy).Bueno, me enteré de este Italiano por Nap que comentó algo de SOBH. Posteriormente busqué reviews del juego y vi algunos videos explicandolos. La verdad todavía no pude jugarlo pero ya llegará el momento. El...
by Bernohn | Feb 20, 2014
We used to buy a box of bosters to play sealed with friends. In this case we have bought a box of theros bosters and we have gathered with Diego, Astraud, Argalion, Joko, Ale and me (Bernohn). The idea is simple, we buy a boster box and we divide the 36 boosters among...
by Bernohn | Feb 13, 2014
Well some months ago I had done an unboxing of the Dwarf Hero and the Furious Ork Girlz from Russian Alternative. Here are the girls painted by Berto for the blog. The miniatures are highly detailed, and are asking you to paint them. I recommend them for the Fantasy...
by Bernohn | Feb 11, 2014
By september or so I was reading our miniature-guys mailing list and Berto send a link to some nice and good looking miniatures, they were all ork girls wich were nicely sculpted. It was something strange to see ork girls so I look for the name of the producer and I...