Trasteando con la máquinola…

[edit: if you are an English reader, shortly, I am not blogging this month because I am about to install some distro of linux, and I am trying many to decide. If you have experience with this, please leave me a comment, it will be very appreciated] Bueno, nada,...

Campaña Terra australis I

Hace diez dias que maté a un hacker nómade. En su equipamiento encontramos una serie de archivos y un mapa. Tardamos un buen rato con mi camarada Astraud en descifrar los archivos, pero pudimos hacerlo porque secuestramos otro nómada hacker y lo  "convencimos"...

Blog en vivo 2

Hello world! This is another episode of Bernohn blogging live! Este es otro episodio de blog en vivo! I am painting miniatures while my friends are playing cokatrice, I am watching it and talking by skype with them. Mientras bernohn pinta miniaturas, mis amigos están...

GW Earthshatter deck… Mazo destruye tierras, verde blanco

Magic, magic, magic... The idea is to destroy the lands of all players, but as I have elves of llanowar and birds of paradise, and other funny stuff I wont suffer that much... Besides this, this is another UND deck, wich is allways a good thing. La idea de este mazo...