by Bernohn | Nov 29, 2015
Este mes fue bastante complicado entre laburo y cumpleaños, pero lo peor ya pasó. Ahora pude por fin meterle mano a un proyecto de esceno que tengo hace tiempo: hacer arbolitos como lo hace un tal Scotty (ya van a saber más de este loco próximamente).Por ahora dejo...
by Bernohn | Oct 25, 2015
I have known Secret Weapon mostly because it is a well knwon company from the gaming scene, I have never bought nor a base nor scenery from them, but It allwasy liked me that such a small company was so prolific... I got in touch last month to make an interview and...
by Bernohn | Sep 29, 2015
When I started infinity (four or five years ago), I loved the remotes of the Combined army, they had tentacles, wings, the seems to crawl from place to place. They were very alienish style, they were different from the other remotes. Years had past, now we are under...