Arduino + role games = The big time we had last saturday

Well, we are playing two D&D campaigns, in one we are in a desert island trying to reconstruct a ship, and the other is the Rise of Tiamat campaign of D&D. In this last one I am playing a Barbarian female Gnome. Last Saturday we had been playing and we had...

Uxia Boarding Shotgun WIP

I am painting it, I have primed it with airbrush and now I am painting it. She is a lovely miniature.I have painted the face with blue after this first colours I hae camouflaged the brown and the blue.I will have to take more pics with better light...B.Tu comentario...

Age of Sigmar

La verdad es que hay que ver primero, leer las reglas y todo eso. Pero las minis que se vieron me gustaron muy poquito. Y mi sensación actual con la Era de Sigmar la podría poner en este meme:(In english: I will have to see the rules, and all the stuff. But a priori...

Novedades de infinity (Infinity News)

Bueno, estuve un poco colgado con el blog. Básicamente porque cada vez tengo más horas de biología y menos horas de tiempo libre. Pero quiero intentar aprovechar las que tengo para mantener el blog bien vivo.Próximamente viene un post sobre pintura, me compré un mejor...