8 Days of Warzone Resurrection: The Brotherhood

When the worlds of man were faced with the threat of destruction at the hands of the Dark Legion and the avarice of their own warring superpowers, it was the Brotherhood who saved them. It was the Brotherhood that had grown from a small movement of the disenfranchised...

8 Days of Warzone Resurrection: Cybertronic Mega Corporation

The Cybertronic Mega Corporation is the newest corporation to come to power.However, in the 160 years since they reached Megacorporation status they have had a huge impact on the solar system. The corporation had its beginnings in a relatively unknown company called...

8 days of Warzone Resurrection: the Kickstarter

Today is the first post of 8 days of Warzone related posts, so stay tuned for more Mutant Chronicles Warzone goodness here on GiF!The Kickstarter has been funded and has been busting through stretch goals. Initially they were shooting to reach 35k and release the...

Warzone Resurrection is up on Kickstarter

I urge anyone who knows and likes the Mutant Chronicles Universe to support the Warzone Resurrection Kickstarter! Prodos Games has been extremely responsive to fan feedback, more so than anyone I have seen in recent times.They just posted a new video on the card...

OMG Warzone is being resurrected!

One of my favorite all time Sci-Fi skirmish games is on its way to returning to the wargaming world! This newest version of the game will be titled Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection and after nearly a decade of being dead I am totally stoked to see its...