I need a little help

I have an idea for a Heldrake conversion to make it fit my idea of a daemonically possessed fighter as opposed to an actual dragon. I just cannot take the stock model seriously in my traitorous heart.I need a few bitz from the kit pictured above. So far I have not...

Bay Area Open Narrative event question for Day 1

Here is a repost of the question I asked yesterday on the Frontline gaming site. Please vote, but only if you plan on attending event.Hey everyone, we’re gearing up for the BAO 2013, and will have all the pertinent information up by the end of the month. Big Jim, the...

Podcasting update

Hey guys with Chris leaving Deepstrike Radio, I have had to step into a much more prominent roll for the podcast. I am taking over as the "public" face and point of contact for DSR; plus I am doing a lot more of the behind the scenes content as well.DSR is running an...

2k Chaos Marine Traitor guard list take 2

After having a long chat with my buddy Magilla Gurilla I have made the following changes to the list from yesterday.  While I hate to lose the Terminators (Cause I am a terminator freak) and Land Raider, I think the list has a lot more moxie, than the last...

2k Chaos Marines with Traitor Guard allies

I have decided to try making the Chaos Marine army focused on shooting rather than my more typical in the enemies face style of list. It is also high time I start utilizing Allies and FortificationsChaos Marines (1450pts) HQ (110pts)WarpsmithTotal: 110ptsElite...