Farewell to all my Blogger friends

Farewell to all my Blogger friends

This is the end of Galaxy in Flames. Someone has reported every single fan document I have shared with you guys over the years as a violation of copyright and has gotten my Box.com account permanently suspended. Without those 40k resources there is no reason to keep...
Warzone Resurrection the basics

Warzone Resurrection the basics

I have had a few people ask me to give a very basic rundown of Warzone Resurrection when it comes to table size, model count, game play and cost. So here is the quick rundown.Warzone Resurrection is typically played on a 4x4 table but has rules to expand it to a 6x4...
What I have been up to

What I have been up to

I have been working my new job with Prodos Games for a few months now and have been busy as heck. Prodos Games are the people who brought back Warzone and late this fall Aliens verses Predator the boardgame and wargame. It is like a dream come true to work for a...
Warzone Resurrection Painting Challenge Month 2

Warzone Resurrection Painting Challenge Month 2

Sorry for the delayed post so late in the month. I have been having computer issues and script issues with Blogger.So I we are taking this month off as I never got a start date post and people have been confused. The Challenge will resume on 1 May.More Capitol from...
New game Aetherium Kickstarter coming April 1st

New game Aetherium Kickstarter coming April 1st

My very close friend Brian and his friends have created a new game company called Anvil 8 Games. They are about to unleash their first game on the world via Kickstarter tomorrow on April 1st, here is some info and art for this great new gaming universe!Aetherium is a...