by Bix | Jun 4, 2013
Time to check in with those of you still monitoring this channel for signs of life, letting you know that the Emperor's light still burns in my little corner of the Blogosphere albeit on minimal power setting.My Hobby time has been on restricted duty since the birth...
by Bix | Mar 1, 2013
For all those wondering where in the Realms of Chaos yours truly has been for the past month (I note none of you sent search parties...) let me tell you that for once I have, what is known in my line of work as, 'a Lawful Excuse'.I had been busying...
by Bix | Jan 28, 2013
Some modelling progress at last, my two Stormraven kits have made it onto the Forge workbench; construction motivated by a recent big game played up at Warhammer World with my fellow gaming buds from our League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (a report and some pics may...
by Bix | Jan 20, 2013
Staying on the subject of Guy Haley's writing for the moment, I mentioned in Decembers post that the author had described a prominent marking on the Sanguinary High Priest character in his Hammer and Bolter short story, The Rite of Holos and that he was then...
by Bix | Jan 18, 2013
It would appear that my post back in early December featuring the cover for the upcoming Space Marines Battles book The Death of Integrity may have been a little hasty. The author Guy Haley has posted some new art for the book over on his Blog, he...