The Shadow in the Warp : Silence from The Veil’s Edge

Just a quick post to reassure any and all who are interested that I'm still out here and haven't gone the way of Maelstrom Games (Ouch! Too soon? Sorry).The cursed Daemons of Workload have been casting their damnable binding rituals again and the other week my...

Birthday Card from the Edge : The Blog Turns Two

Ok well it's a week late, after all the excitement of Games Day and the follow up posts I needed a little break; but seeing as I missed marking the first year milestone completely I thought it would be remiss if I didn't make the effort to mention this one.Two years...

UK Games Day 2012 : Pt V Final Thoughts

So as the afterglow of Games Day fades over the horizon of the passing week, one last post with my final thoughts on the event, accompanied by some photos of Forge Worlds grand Horus Heresy diorama.In this the 'Second Age' of my Hobby saga, it was my fourth Games...

UK Games Day 2012 : Pt IV Golden Demon

Continuing my coverage of UK Games Day, here are some photos I took of the Golden Demon painting competition entries. These are the ones that most caught my eye for one reason or another; but whilst there was talent on display well beyond my meagre skills as...

UK Games Day 2012 : Pt III Forge World ’40k’

A few more of my photos from the Forge World Design Studio area of this years UK Games Day, it's safe to say these guys stole the show this year with the coup of the Heresy (although GW's Chaos stuff came close to stealing their thunder); but as promised 40k still got...