by blackmoor | Nov 14, 2011
Well, I have been dieting an exercising for the last 5 weeks as part of a 6 week weigh loss challenge. I am now in the home stretch, and the end is in sight. Just 5 more days and I am free! Well not really free, but I will not be on such a restrictive diet that...
by blackmoor | Nov 1, 2011
So I am going to Comikaze: Annihilation! this weekend and I was getting a bit tired of my Grey Knights, so the question becomes what army to play? I saw that Ragnar (Mannahnim on Dakka) was having a lot of success with his Chaos Space Marines and so I had a brilliant...
by blackmoor | Oct 28, 2011
There has been a lot of talk about Da Boyz GT and there comp system. I came close to going back to their event, but I have traveled enough, and decided not to spend the money and just kick back at home. So I made a list using there comp system and this is what I would...
by blackmoor | Oct 26, 2011
There has been a lot of talk about gamer health these days, and as you can see from the video in my last post I am way out of shape. And here I was thinking that I was just big boned. Before a big event I do try to walk a little to try to increase my stamina. GTs...
by blackmoor | Oct 24, 2011
If you read my last post you saw that I won a big pile of Dark Eldar at Empire Games GT. Well in Game #1 Played against Dave Fay and I worked with him to make a video battle report with him. You can watch it here: I use to play Dave a lot when I lived in LA. I would...