by blackmoor | Feb 15, 2012
So as you can tell by the post below, I was thinking about taking my foot Eldar for a spin again, and that is what I did at an RTT last Saturday. A lot of people don’t know this because they only know me as a Draigowing player, but back in the day, I did well at GTs...
by blackmoor | Feb 9, 2012
E-mail in!Hey, I heard from people that you are a foot eldar expert and I am just starting to play 40k but running foot eldar because it looked more fun. I have 1500-2k points or so of the following Eldrad + Avatar Harlies x11 (inc. shadow seer/Jester) Scorpions x9...
by blackmoor | Feb 3, 2012
So the question is (all things being equal) can the 4th edition codexes beat the heavy hitters of 5th edition? And if they can, do they have more than one build that can do it?Now before my recent run with the Draigowing I always played the old codexes. A lot of my...
by blackmoor | Feb 1, 2012
I was planning on taking Chaos Demons to the Broadside Bash, but it is only about 2 weeks away and I have to do a lot of painting and modeling to do to get it ready. The fact of the matter is that I do not want to commit the resources to get that army done. I have...
by blackmoor | Jan 28, 2012
I have been writing a couple of posts about how much crap I have. For example I know that I have 10 horrors and I can’t find them. I straitened up my hobby room and still could not locate them. Here is another sign that I have too much stuff, I was on e-bay looking to...