by blackmoor | Jan 20, 2012
So I have decided to play my Tzeentch demons army at the Broadside Bash next month. Why am I doing it? Well for a couple of reasons. As I said on the 11th Company podcast I like armies that are rare and more of a challenge to win with. Demons fit that to a tee! Not...
by blackmoor | Jan 16, 2012
In my last post I claimed that Grey Knights did everything that Space Wolves did only better, and so... Abuse puppy said this: >Grey Knights do everything that the Space Wolves do only better. Grey Knights are worse against hordes (except Purifiers.) Grey Knights...
by blackmoor | Jan 16, 2012
I was talking to the 11th company guys and I think I know why you never see Space Wolves around anymore. The reason why is that most Space Wolf players are band wagon jumpers because prior to the new codex there have not been any Space Wolf players after 4th edition...
by blackmoor | Jan 13, 2012
Well, it looks like I left Part II of my Space Wolf thoughts on my computer at work. So here is some batreps for you. As I said a couple of weeks ago I played against Monster Rain’s Necrons and Magilla Gorilla posted up a video batrep of our game. You can see it here....
by blackmoor | Jan 11, 2012
I played in a 2 day 5-game GT over the weekend put on by battlefoam (a few batreps forthcoming) and one of the prizes that I won was 5 Thunderwolves from Mr. Dandy. Returning to the Fang.So this got me thinking about space wolves. As I have said, space wolves were my...