A New Mek for Waaagh! Bluddtoof

Hi AllNot posted in a while due to a very long and well needed holiday!Back now and getting back into a quite busy painting schedule for the coming year; myself and Doc are planning a narrative campaign for 2016, this will tell the tale of the Imperial response to the...

Showcase; Thunderbolts Space Marines Jump Pack Captain.

Hi AllBluddtoof here with another new addition to my Space Marine Chapter; The Thunderbolts.This is my new Captain with Jump Pack, Shield Eternal and Teeth of Terra. He will be leading a demi company with auxiliary support as part of a Gladius Strike Force against a...

Swamp Thing! A new Terrain set for The Code 40k

Hi AllBluddtoof here with my latest project (with help from Doc!).For quite a while now the Code boys have been bemoaning the inevitable wear and tear on our scenery brought on by the quite heavy use it's been getting in recent years, what with running several events...