Forgemas 14; Eldar Corsair Hornet, WIP, Nearly Done!

Hi AllBluddtoof here with another WIP post of my Eldar Corsair Hornet. Nearly there now, should only need a couple more sessions to get this piece finished. A pic of its current state...As you can see I'm working on the green plating on the hornets upper face now,...

Forgemas 14, Eldar Corsair Hornet, More Progress…

Hi AllDone some more work on my now severely delayed Forgemas entry, my Eldar Corsair Hornet.Above is the overall progress, following are a few shots of the details..Two shots of the underside which is now complete apart from a little work inside the exhaust ports.The...

Forgemas 14; Eldar Corsair Hornet, WIP

Hi AllBluddtoof here with another WIP post on my Eldar Corsair Hornet. This model seams to be taking forever to paint but I've finally got the yellow-white shading done on it, now it's just the green armour plating and the gems to do before a final few touches....

Forgemas 14; Eldar Corsair Hornet, WIP

Hi AllJust a quick update on the WIP of my Eldar Corsair Hornet; I've done most of the metallic bits, I decided to go a little darker than I'd originally tried on the test corsair, I'll see what I think once it's done as to whether I stick with it for the rest of the...

Forgemas 14, Eldar Corsair Hornet Update; Base Complete

Hi allBluddtoof here with another update on my Eldar Corsair Hornet; the base is now complete with the addition of the hunted Guardsman and his abandoned kit...I painted the guardsman in muted colours so he wouldn't stand out too much, the Hornet is the main event...