Deadzone work in progress

Deadzone work in progress

Hi AllHere at the code we've recently invested in Mantics new skirmish game; Deadzone. We're all busy painting up strike teams and scenery for a fully painted day of deadzone we're planning in a couple of months.I'm just over half way through my scenery set which is...
Da Bosses Shiny New Ride

Da Bosses Shiny New Ride

Hey AllYippee! I've finished all the painting for my Ork army for Worcester War II this weekend.Boss Bluddtoof has a shiny new ride, a big mean warbike, the lovely Forgeworld one. It's a really nice model and I'm well pleased with the finished look, I've gone a bit...
Four Little Red Tanks (and their Bigger Brother!)

Four Little Red Tanks (and their Bigger Brother!)

Hey Everyone,I've been busy getting my Orks ready for Worcester War 2 over the last few weeks, not much left to do now. The most recent additions to my Space Orks are a small sqwodrun of Grot Tanks and a Grot Mega Tank.Here's a few pics......Just a new warboss to...