Latest Techmarine from the Thunderbolts Forge

Latest Techmarine from the Thunderbolts Forge

Hi AllBeen quite productive this week for a change and as promised I've finished my stand alone Techmarine. Also got my new marine codex and I'm very pleased overall, I like the new style chapter tactics and as the fluff for my chapter is that they're descended from...
Thunderfire Cannon fresh from the Thunderbolts Forge

Thunderfire Cannon fresh from the Thunderbolts Forge

I've been a bit lax in my painting time recently and so it's a while since I finished anything and thus a long time since I posted here.I'm currently working on a group of techmarines, firstly my new Thunderfire Cannon. The techmarine is built from parts from various...
Eldar Corsairs, The New Base Colours

Eldar Corsairs, The New Base Colours

Hi AllHere's pics of the first corsair model with the base edging and lower surface repainted in shaded greys rather than the original silver. I definitely prefer this, it will also lend itself better to the scenery set I will eventually build to match the...
Eldar Corsairs, The New Project, The First Painted Model

Eldar Corsairs, The New Project, The First Painted Model

Hi AllSo here it is the first finished Corsair, I've really enjoyed painting this and I like the scheme, I wasn't sure about it which was why I started with just a single member of the squad.It fulfils my philosophy of painting gaming miniatures; most of the time...
Eldar Corsairs, The 1st Squad

Eldar Corsairs, The 1st Squad

Hi AllThe bases are built as seen in my last post, so now for the squad itself. In terms of equipping them, I want to be able to stay at range and use their jet packs to keep moving so they need the longest range weapons available which means Lasblasters instead of...