Eldar Corsairs, My New Project, Modelling the Bases

Hi AllSo Worcester War 13 has been and gone and now it's time to start something new.Last year I went to Warhammer World with some of the code boys for the Carnage tournament and whilst there I picked a few nice forgeworld bits and pieces for my long planned...
WW13 Thunderbolts completed

WW13 Thunderbolts completed

Hi AllHurrah! with 3 weeks to spare I have finished my WW13 list. After some practice games with the 1500pt Pod list I decided I didn't like it and rewrote the list completely! Here's a few pics of the finished list and some of the newly painted models for it,...

Thunderbolts Forges Working at Maximum Capacity!

Hi All Continuing with my Thunderbolts 1500pt Drop Pod army, I've now completed the 5 man Devastator squad. This is the first unit I've painted exclusively with GWs new paint range and I'm generally impressed by the improvements, particularly metallics, specifically...

Thunderbolts from the Skies

Hi All With SvaXIII done and dusted I can now concentrate on my next tournament, a one day affair organised by Doc and others from the code. This will comprise 3 games at 1500pt with all comers and using the "Swis System". I'm going back to my Marine Drop pod list for...

Orkoid Air Superiority

Hello All I've now finished the last of my models for the upcoming SVA XIII, my dakkajet, "Da Flying Squig". If you're contemplating your own Ork fighta/bomma for the first time then the best advice I can give is that it is quite a large model and there's a lot of...