My Painted Collection

Hey again Since our blog administrator has cracked the whip and asked us all to post a bit more frequently and as the only current project with suitable piccies at the mo are my new gobbos which are in the previous post I thought I'd post some piccies of my painted...

Gobbos and Squigs WIP

Hey all. So i've finally caved in to my inner ork and done what i said i wasn't going to do......... .....started collecting orcs and goblins for fantasy (I have a vast space ork army of about 14k in various states of readiness). More accurately I've started...

Thunderbolts Reinforcements

So with the release of 6th ed 40k and after a 3 week battle with mail order to finally get my copy sent to the right address! I sat down to reading the new version, seems to me that it's got lots of small changes which have created an almost new game. Looks good to...

Bretonian Gallant Better Pics

Just for you Doc, some better pics of the finished Bretonnian Gallant. :)) I need to contstruct a better lightbox for taking pics in. Great! Another project added to the ever expanding list!! Bluddtoof out.....

Bretonnian Gallant Complete

Hi again, So I finished my first Bretonnian knight, really enjoyed it too, it's a nice change from the usual 40k stuff I paint. Also nice to not be painting to a deadline! Here's a few piccies if the finished model; I'm very pleased with the result, the blue...