Lords a Reaping 17; Questoris Knight Magaera

Hi AllBluddtoof here with my first wip post in our annual winter painting shenanigans; Lords a Reaping!I'm using this event to motivate me to finish my 2nd Imperial Knight, a Questoris Knight Magaera.Posts for  my 1st Knight can be...

Arming for the Cypra Incident….Gorkanaut.

Hi AllBluddtoof here with my latest piece of work towards my ever growing Waaaghhh!This is my Gorkanaut.....  This kit has been sitting in its box for a good couple of years now, until the need for a big hitter arose with our return this year to our...

The Cypra Incident, "Birth of the Beast". The next mission

Hi AllBluddtoof here with an update on our progress with our narrative campaign; both Doc and myself have had pretty busy lives over the last year so we had to suspend activity in this area for a while.We're both busy beavering away at the models we want for the next...