Blood Bowl Orcs…. 1st Blitzer complete.

Hey AllBluddtoof here with an update on my progress on my Blood Bowl Orc team; The Badland Brutalisers!I've now finished the first Blitzer, here's a few pics...Really pleased with this, tried  a few new things; used some tamiya paints I'd not tried before, they...

Blood Bowl Orcs………….W.I.P.

Hi AllBluddtoof ere with my first wip post on my Orcs for Blood Bowl!I love Blood Bowl! So glad GW decided to re-release.Here at The Code we're all well into this now with everyone frantically building, converting and painting a team for our first season!I'm planning...

Dismember December ………By Bluddtoof

So I finally got my entry completed after a long period of having no mojo for painting. I'm pleased with the finished model and love the palette I went with. Oddly enough it's very similar to my Imperial Knight! I only realised as I was nearing completion. I obviously...