W.I.P. Relic Predator Executioner; nearly there.

Hi AllAnother quick update on my progress on this Relic Predator for my Space Marine Chapter; The Thunderbolts.Everything's done now except for the White panelling on the turret, sponsons, hatches and exhaust guards. I always leave the white til last as it's a pig to...

Deimos Relic Predator Executioner, a bit more WIP.

Hi AllJust a quick one today, an update on my progress with the predator..Some pics...Getting there, brass done and even weathered a bit, which is a first for me and my marines. I'm going to try doing this model weathered to see if I like it. Then depending on the...

W.I.P. Deimos Pattern Relic Predator Executioner

Hi AllJust a quick post to show the current WIP on my new Predator.Here's some picsI will recommend that if you build one of these then paint the sponsons as sub assemblies, they're very awkward to paint once fitted!Enjoy. C & C welcome as ever.Bluddtoof.

Showcase; The Cypra Incident, Watchtowers and Fencing.

Hi AllI've now completed the Watchtower and Fencing project for our upcoming campaign; The Cypra Incident, which will see Space Orks and Imperial Guard battling it out in a swamp initially. I'll go back at a later date and add a few more pieces to the set, such as 2...