Battle for Stones River 2013 Statistics

Here are the player breakdown and some interesting statistics, enjoy the read... Players Battle Points Chris Flanagan 69 Shawn Williams 69 Andrew Ford 68 David Gaither 64 Matt Rogers 62 Robert Greene 60 Michael Romero 59 Matthew Sego 58 Clay Williams 58 Andrew...

Battle for Stones River 2013 Results

Ladies and Gentlemen,First let me start by saying a BIG thank you to everyone for making this one of the best years yet!  We had 81 players for four rounds of 40K madness.  That was 164 games of 40K in just 10 hours.  I hope everyone had a great day and...

Tournament Schedule

People were asking about the tournament schedule and I realized that I didn't post it anywhere.  I apologize for the lateness of this post.  If your buddies are playing, make sure they are aware of registration and start times.  Thanks and look forward...

Battle for Stones River Scoring Guidelines

(A short explanation of our scoring and prize categories)          So I thought as the tournament grows ever closer, I should elaborate on our scoring systems and the titles to be won. I know that tournaments are supposed to be...

Warhammer Campaign: The War for Onenth Peninsula

New Warhammer Campaign: The War for Onenth Peninsula.This is a little introduction to our new Warhammer campaign that we just started.  There are five of us playing; myself, Asmodai, AirmanG, Boltergeist and another friend of ours.  We have Chaos Warriors,...