Cheap ‘n Easy- Herald of Khorne Conversion

The new Cannon Of Khorne model kit comes with a great looking Herald Of Khorne. Though he's not designed to stand on a standard 25mm base it's certainly possible to convert him to do so. If you're building a Cannon Of Khorne anyway this not only saves you money...

How To: Scenic Toxic Swamp Basing

Step 2 Recently I talked about how to batch paint Plaguebearers relatively quickly. This follow-up article is about how to do the toxic swamp basing shown on those models. Nurgle Daemons are disgusting both in appearance and in background concept so a little bit of...

How To: Batch Painting Plaguebearers

There's more than one way to paint the disgusting flesh of a Plaguebearer. Spikey Bits' MBG recently had a good article about how to do so quickly with an air brush. My article here is about some alternative ideas and techniques I like to use for getting a large...

Slithering Slaanesh Daemon Prince Conversion

Daemons are sure to be all the rage in Warhammer at the moment as they have brand new rules for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 as of March 2, so I thought I'd revisit a conversion I did a few years ago for my hobby article this week. Here's how I...

Necron Theme Basing, Crystal Death

In my last article here on Spikey Bits I mentioned a quick and easy method for thematically basing your Necrons, so I'm going to cover that topic now. This method is colorful, inexpensive, quick and easy to do yet adds a fun flare to the bases of your models. First...