Utter Chaos: GW Past, Present & Future?

It's no secret that GW's sales were down in 2013 from the previous year and that their stock price plummeted on January 16, 2014 when this was formally announced in their most recent financial report. As a GW customer of more than two decades I can't help but have...

Broodlord Attack! Customizing Single Pose Models.

With the exciting new Tyranid release from GW it seemed like a good time to talk about adding variety to the Broodlord model. Currently there is only one Broodlord model and it has only one pose and no optional parts. How can you add some variety to the model if...
Imperial Guard Army On Parade- Battle Bunker Winner

Imperial Guard Army On Parade- Battle Bunker Winner

A friend of mine built this impressive Imperial Guard display for last summer's Games Workshop Armies On Parade contest.He entered it at Games Workshop Bowie, MD and needless to say it was the winner.I took some photos at the beginning, middle and end of the...
Painting Skin Tones Fast And Easy

Painting Skin Tones Fast And Easy

Painting skin tones can be fast, easy and fun.Some hobbyists fear the task, so I thought I'd do an article to help show how fast and simple it can be no matter what skin tone you're trying to create.When I began working on my Ogres recently I created a simple...
Ogre Character Conversions Cheap & Easy

Ogre Character Conversions Cheap & Easy

Warhammer Ogres are a fun model range, but their all Finecast characters start at $40 US each.Converting characters from the plastic box sets is not only fun, it will save you a lot of money. Here's how I converted mine.First, the Ogre Bulls box set of six plastic...