Ork Big Mek Stompa: All Plastic Conversion

Orks have one of the coolest super-heavy model kits for Warhammer 40K Apocalypse and the new Apocalypse rule book again has rules for a Big Mek version of the Stompa. Here's how I converted a Big Mek Stompa using only plastic parts. For those seeking ready made Big...

Blue Scribes Of Tzeentch- All PLASTIC Hotness!

Blue Scribes Of Tzeentch are a fun concept for modeling and gaming and I just had to add one to my Daemon forces. Building one as an all plastic conversion from a Burning Chariot Of Tzeentch kit left me with a unique personal take on the model and a ton of cool extra...

Apocalypse 40k: Custom Chaos Shadowsword Part 2

In my last article I talked about building custom conversion parts for a Chaos Shadowsword. In part 2 I'm going to talk about painting it. Keep in mind that both the conversion and painting techniques I'm discussing here could be used on a wide variety of models and...

Apocalypse 40k: Custom Chaos Shadowsword Part 1

I've always thought Apocalypse was the best expansion ever for Warhammer 40,000 and the new version released earlier this month does not disappoint. It certainly has energized me to work on some larger models again. Customizing Baneblades to give them a Chaos look and...

Apocalypse 40k: AdMech Super Heavies

The new Apocalypse Warhammer 40,000 supplement release on July 13 may have you thinking about working on some large models to bolster your forces or add some cool large centerpieces to it. As mentioned in my article recently about my Chaos Renegade Stormblade...