Preparing For Apocalypse: Renegade Stormblade

The new version of Warhammer 40k Apocalypse is set to be released on July 13, so now seems like a good time to focus on some superheavy modeling to help my fellow hobbyists bring miniatures of mass destruction to their game tables. With an Internet handle like "Brass...

Burning Chariot: Painting For Tzeentch

I collect and paint all things Chaos, so after recently painting a Skull Cannon Of Khorne  I set about working on a Burning Chariot Of Tzeentch. This model has a lot of elements to it so I built it in subsections and then painted those separately to make it...

Skulls For The Skull Throne: Painting For Khorne

With an Internet hobby handle like "Brass Scorpion" you'd probably expect that I might like the new Skull Cannon Of Khorne and you'd be correct. Though when first revealed this model drew a lot of criticism on game forums I think once you get it up close and start...

Swagger Like Us- Posing the Tau Riptide

Though I've been going by the Internet hobby handle "Brass Scorpion" for a few years now, anyone who's checked out my hobby articles over time knows that I dabble in a lot of Games Workshop model ranges besides Chaos.  I've been sitting on a pile of Tau stuff...

Ork Warboss Warbike Conversion

Da Ork Warbosses need a propa ride, but dem guys at Games Workshop still don't make a model for it. Here's a quick and fun way to give yer Orky chief da kinda ride he deserves. First, you'll be needin' a plastic Ork Warbike. One a da bikes from da current Ork Warbike...