Conversion Corner: Prone Tau Pathfinder

Though I go by the tag, "Brass Scorpion" and Chaos is my favorite range here's more proof that I work on a lot of other model ranges. This week I'm going to show you a simple conversion that yields a very cool looking pose for a Tau Empire model. Remember the previous...

Daemonic Nurgle Lord / Herald Conversion

The Chaos Nurgle Lord by Games Workshop is so full of character in every little feature it's a pleasure to build and paint it as is right off the sprue, but it's also such a richly detailed model just looking at it gives me all kinds of great conversion ideas for...

Valkyrie Gunship Conversion: More Guns Is More!

I'm taking a break from my usual hobby how-to articles to show you this fabulous Imperial Guard Valkyrie conversion done by a friend of mine. Besides being quite an elaborate conversion it also has a terrific paint job and I just had to share it with the hobby...

Painting How-To: Two-Stage Edge Highlighting

Two-stage edge highlighting is a technique that uses two similar paint colors, one brighter than the the other, to make it appear that the edges of a model are either catching light or glowing. Though I've used GW Necron models in my examples, the techniques described...

How To: Painting Lava With a Slaughterbrute

I've been doing a lot of lava theme basing for my Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 Chaos models recently. I've shown some here in previous articles, but I've as yet never done a full description on how to do the actual painting. This article will focus on painting lava...