PP Announcement!  New Hordes Model!

PP Announcement! New Hordes Model!

"If there is one thing we here at Privateer Press pride ourselves on, it's listening to our audience. You guys and gals have been demanding a fifth full faction for our exciting fury-driven miniatures combat game HORDES, and we are gonna give it to you!"From the...


That's what I get for trying to upload pictures from a new device. I uploaded a fat lot of nothing. That said, I'm sure there are those out there that my lack of pictures was a pretty decent set of pictures. To each their own.
Dog Soldiers:  Making a Mess

Dog Soldiers: Making a Mess

I wanted something to test out all the weathering products I've been purchasing.  You know, before I go slapping it on all my models, untested.  I tend to paint darker colors because I'm lazy so I needed something lighter to practice on.Hence, the Dog...
Odds and Ends: Pictures from the Backlog

Odds and Ends: Pictures from the Backlog

I've got thousands of pictures related to the hobby, ranging from games to collections to tournaments and back, going back a lot of years.  From a blogging standpoint, the problem is you pick through and use only a few from the many.  There are many, many...
Chaos; Daemons and Plaugebearers

Chaos; Daemons and Plaugebearers

Just a few quick pictures of some recent models, done maybe two months ago.  Most of them didn't come out properly due to the camera settings and the varnish on the models, which the owner prefers for gameplay.I've been listening to Horus Heresy mp3's while...