Feast of Blades Live Blogger Roundtable!

Join now! Yours truly is on the panel... So where should you be going?Go to FeastofBlades.com and you'll see the link.But here it is....http://www.feastofblades.com/2012/10/live-coverage.htmlNOW!

NecroNid Hybrid

Busy, busy, busy......busy busy busy busy!Isn't it a constant of human experience that if you say a word over and over and over again it begins to sound strange, and lose all meaning?Still and all, I've been in a much better place recently.  The weather...

Choices, Collections, and Naughty Places

The Emperor Protects!As long as you've invested in the right wargear, including your basic munitions manual and uplifting primer. Lately, I've been sort of wishing the Emperor would set up a Forge World America: have you scoped the prices on the new Horus Heresy...

Back to Painting!

The airbrush is back to full functionality - now the only error is the typical kind.User.Here's my current project:  a one-off to get back into the groove of painting every night.I need to add better contrast to the purity seals, paint the eyeball, and flock the...

Gone! A Month of Sundays

I'm alive, I suppose.It's been almost a month since I've posted here.  I'm enough of a Blogger veteran to know it's best not to start and stop in fits......since I didn't have the energy to blog regularly it was best to avoid it entirely. (Meaning, yeah, he'll be...