Slaughter Brute for the Tim That Can

Short post; here's the Slaughter Brute I painted for the Tim That Can.Speaking of, he just got back from Houston, all victorious from participating in the local scene.  Good on him!  I think it really raised the confidence he has in his game, so next week's...
Light and Dark Characters… So to Speak

Light and Dark Characters… So to Speak

I've been working on an army - finally!  It's been way too much fiddling with one-off miniatures, but I've broken through the block and taken the plunge.But that's later.  Here's my version of Dante and Saint Celestine.And lastly, here's the Space Marine my...
New Marine Pics… I Don’t Get It.  Seriously.

New Marine Pics… I Don’t Get It. Seriously.

Okay, first up...Ugh.  Maybe with their hats off..?Nope.  Not even with one of them flashing me.Okay, this looks sweet!  It looks like it has some hooks along the bottom maybe?  To dig in?This I don't believe.  I was around for Rogue Trader,...

Auto Response: Critic X, Insert Y

I haven't been in the mood to post, lately, but I'm seasoned enough at this blogging thing not to sweat it too much.  You've all seen the, "Sorry I've been away," blog posts - heck, I've written more than a few over the years - but it occurred to me this...

The Brain That Changed the World!

Okay, this is something a bit different.  It's an old documentary on the history of computers done (it looks like to me) back in the 80's.  The perspective - knowing what we know now - made it fascinating to watch.Also, it hits the fun points like ENIGMA and...