This Helldrake is a first for me… can you guess it’s secret?

Not trying to be cryptic here, but this is a pretty interesting milestone for me.  Anyway, this model isn't 'done' per se, because I have some detailing work yet to do.  But as it is currently, it meets the three color minimum guidelines used by most events...

Warhammer 40K: 8000 per side…

This past weekend I joined the Mighty Mighty Carlos, the Hoff, and Doug in an underground bunker (no kidding) to play a massive Chaos Vs Imperial 16K slugfest.  It was glorious.There was no rhyme or reason, it wasn't a tournament or any sort of tournament...

Latest High Elf Image! And it…

...doesn't mean a thing to me.(Really?)Really.Yeah, this was an evil trick.You saw the High Elf image......then saw the rather leading title......promising some brand new 'High Elf image' that, for whatever reason, 1) I have and 2) you haven't seen.When all I...

Daemons, Daemons, Everywhere…

I suppose I shouldn't get too behind on this blog, but I've been having a lot of fun painting again so it's been hard to break away from the game room.Most of these, of course, are Daemons of Chaos, painted for the Tim That Can.  I threw in some other random...

Finished the New Workspace…

...and I'm starting to crank out models again. Here's I'm working on my Fall-themed Hordes army.  I plan to two more Warlocks and some Tharn units before it's all over.This is a shot I took when batch spraying Dark Angels models.  My goal here is a...