Battle Report, Chaos vs Salamanders

It's been awhile since I've done a 40K Battle Report, largely because it's been some time since there have been two painted armies on the board at the FLGS!  Things in my area of the woods have been in flux, and it's more likely I'll bring you Infinity reports...

Daemons… just too lazy to try…

Okay, I've got the new Daemons Codex... now what to do with it?I've got a game at the FLGS in about an hour, so it seems like a good time to try out the new book.  That said, while I've got a gazillion models, about half a gazillion aren't put together.  I...

Back in Black (and red, and purple…)

I'm well and truly back in my game room, having successfully stopped battling 12-year olds for dominance of Black Ops II's multiplayer servers.It's amazing how obnoxious people can get.  You've got these kids who haven't quite hit puberty spout off the most vile...

Miniatures from Other Ranges

Right now I'm putting the finishing touches on a commission army, but my head is in a couple other places besides. One: Infinity models!  I've got 7 painted and 6 in the works.  It's nice to have a project you can take from start to finish in with so few...

Finished Brotherhood Version of Lysander…

...well, except for his shield.And maybe his heraldry.And, you know, I plan to do freehand.But I got three more models for the Haqqislam army I'm putting this is done for the time being!Mmm... looking over these photos and comparing them to yesterday,...