Oh, But Where the Muse has Flown!

I was actually surprised when Little Barrera mentioned it's been over a month since I've posted here.  Seriously - I would have said maybe three weeks.So what's up with that?Life.  Work.  The holidays.  My annual relaxation from the weekly BoLS...

Grey Knight Librarian: Quickie Post

I've been a bit under the weather this week, but I did get some painting done.  I finished up this Grey Knight Librarian for the Tim That Can, which is an addition to his Grey Knights army I did for him as commission work.I did the same model for the Card Pimp in...

Chaos Daemon Prince of Nurgle: Quickie Post

I finished the Nurgle Daemon Prince for Tim That Can's commission.  This bad boy is a whopping WS  9... take that, Marines!  I'll admit, I fought the impulse to snap this dude's sword off and replace it with a Black Mace.

Call of Duty, Back in Black

I've been hard-pressed to wanna do much besides play Call of Duty Black Ops II.  If you don't know, the Call of Duty series is by far the best online competitive shooter experience, and so far this version tops Modern Warfare II as my favorite version.Why?...