by Brian Carlson | Mar 9, 2016
Another successful Sunday was in the books and luckily my supplies arrived in time! We started the phase of laying on base colors of spray paints and started to detail the parts of the board. Unfortunately I didn't snap pictures of all of the activity...
by Brian Carlson | Mar 8, 2016
I'm busily painting as fast as possible and knocked out the Hellturkey over the weekend. I figured I might as well run khorne for the singles tournament so I can get more practice for the team tournament. Nobody seems to run flyers anymore, but this...
by Brian Carlson | Mar 7, 2016
I figured I'd try to mix it up a bit and do a simple conversion that isn't so original... putting my chaos marines on horses instead of bikes. I've always loved the chaos knights, their horses are amazing sculpts. Plus it allows me to showcase some of the cool...
by Brian Carlson | Mar 3, 2016
The progress is on! Just finished up my first pack of Bloodletters. They were surprisingly a lot of fun to paint. I went with a standard red but any hair or "pimply" areas dark. I'm still debating on whether or not I paint their eyes (and what...
by Brian Carlson | Feb 29, 2016
We had another very productive Sunday working on the display base, racking up another 6 hours of work with the team. Gregg and Jeff also assembled the case sides during the week so we can work on it in it's cart. Since the foam is so dense, we're able to screw...