Union Test Model – Wild West Exodus

I had some fun painting up my first Wild West Exodus model.  I figured I would take it easy and start with a line trooper to figure out the color scheme and progression. After a few takes, I ended up lightning up both the jacket and pants as well as changed...

Hobby Resolutions for 2015

Well, we're already 1/4 the way done for the year, but my hobby calendar pretty much runs on Adpeticon to the next Adepticon.  With the baby here, and an overall shrinking of the hobby stores to play at, my priorities will be shifting this year.  We'll see...

Wild West Exodus – Awesome Kickstarter

Being a big fan of Jim Wappel's blog, I couldn't help but look at the cool Wild West Exodus miniatures.  They really are some amazing sculpts and I love the whole theme.  So at Adepticon I picked up a couple factions (Union and Holy Order) and the...

Awesome Infinity Terrain

I am so psyched to get into Infinity.  Probably the most exciting part is the awesome terrain and how to immerse yourself in the urban sprawl.  I stopped by the infinity tournaments and took some shots of their amazing terrain for inspiration. Now that...

Team Tournament – Our Finished Product!

Adepticon has come and gone, and we had an awesome time.  Our team, the Adeptus Film Co. runs the 40k Friendly and we had a ton of fun orchestrating the shenanigans of the Friday tournament.  If you played in it, I hope you had a good time!Here is our final...