Eldar Warp Spider (alternative model)

Today I have something really exciting to show: alternative models for Eldar Warp Spiders by Ghost Miniatures from Russia. Frankly, I have been dreaming about a remake of this aspect shrine not only for years, but decades. Literally the old models by GW were some of...

Word Bearers Assault Marines (Squad 1) 2/3

After quite some Heavy Metal in form of tanks and a flyer, I managed to paint up some more Assault Marines for my Word Bearers. With these new guys my first squad ist ready for action. So far I didn’t integrate any “swappable” options for weapons and...

Even in Death, I serve… (as a Dreadnought)

Some more fire power has been added to my collection: a Contemptor Dreadnought with twin Kheres Assault Cannons. With this model I now have three out of five models available for my Word Bearers (only missing out on the “normal Boxnought” and the Deredeo...

Demolishing Fire Power: Word Bearers Vindicator #2

Another artillery Tank has been completed and added to my collection. In the past days I finished my work on another Vindicator (see the first one here). Once again, a pleasure to paint yet another tank for the Word Bearers, but see for yourself: And here he is:...

Radiating Beauty – Word Bearers Destroyers

Everybody needs a break sometimes and so did I. Having painted almost exclusively red for a few weeks now, I needed something else. But then again, I didn’t want to break the combo of my Word Bearers. So I painted some Destroyers for my Word Bearers collection....