Rule leaks – Militarum Tempestus Taurox and Scion

    Rule rumours spotted on Faeit 212 I was checking out my favourite 40K blog (you guys really should be following him) Faeit 212 and it appears that he has been issued a lot of rules for the upcoming release from a couple of...

More Scion and Taurox leaked images

More Scion and Taurox rules and pictures! Right… I am a bit behind writing this up! I was sent a hell of a lot of information on Tuesday regarding a lot more leaks and details for the upcoming release of Astra Militarum and expansions. Due to my failing to...

Forgeworld Iron Father and Nightlords

Iron Hands and Nightlords goodies up for pre-order. If you are a fan or collector of either of these armies then you better get your back ends over to the “New Stuff” section of Forgeworld and check out these lil pre-orders. Personally I can see serious...

New Ork Release Rumours

Is there a waaagh! incoming? So word over at the Dakka thanks to one rumour goer (could be fake but who knows) it would appear that a huge Ork release could be on the way! There seems to be a hell of a lot of new releases being spoken of and seen. This is just a...

New Ogryn\Bullgryn and Hydra pics

Astra Militarum new models are flowing! Well here we are the leaked images are just flowing in now! and the above looks to be the new Bone’ed model, What a bad ass! (Loving the commissar cap on his shoulder too) And here are the rest of the images, We have a...