Codex: Imperial Knights – First look

Someone got an early look! It would appear that someone has got their sneaky paws on the Codex and has decided to share some of the information from within to everyone’s favourite 40k blogger – Natfka over at Faeit 212 (You should be following this guy!)....

Forgeworld Mechanicum Myrmidon Destructors

    New Forgeworld Release is a go! Forgeworld have announced these bad asses on their site today “Mechanicum Myrmidon Destructors”. Now personally these just aint my bag but it is always good to see the Mechanicum getting some love, I have got...

Storm of Vengeance

  Plants vs Zombies 40k Style! Yes that is right people, there is a new Tower defence style game coming out and it is pure 40k, The game is going to be released both on PC and IOS devices. The playing field looks to be set along 5 lines with the object to destroy...

Omnissiah Secret Message

So it has been said that on the back of the latest White Dwarf the following binary code can be seen. 01001111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01110011 01110011 01101001 01100001 01101000 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110000 01110010 01100001 01101001 01110011...

New Hellbrute leaked images

  So it looks like some more leaks have made the Interwebs for all you Chaos lovers out there. Check out the following page for all 3 images of this nasty piece of work. “Images have now been removed from the reported website” Got to say personally I...