Hidden Imperial Guard Unit?

Hey hey VoxNetters! Jump over to Faiet212 below and check this little rumour out, It would appear that someone is claiming that a new Imperial Guard unit has been left in plain site for all to see and we have all been asked to check teh picture and see if we can spot...

Site Update 19/02/2014

Hello Everybody! So things have been rather busy with the website rebuild and we are making a lot of progress.  For any of you who have been checking in on us you will see that the pages are starting to come together (Including our new “Team” page) We are...

Imperial Knights release date

    So the 1st of March is looking to be the time of release for the new Imperial Knight kit, price is looking  to be $140 (£83) the question is just how many will you all be buying. As well as the kit release there is also a good amount of reading coming...

Imperial Knights Leak

  So here we have some confirmed information regarding the Imperial Knights thanks to Blood of Kittens and the good lads of 40K Radio. Looks like these are shaping up to be some serious bad asses, so what are your thoughts? Blood Of Kittens Knight Paladin: 375...

VoxNet Radio Ep1

  And here we have it guys, the first Episode from VoxNet Radio, Have a listen and let us know your thoughts and feelings, all feedback is welcome. This was actually recorded on the 22nd of September but has taken longer than expected to get edited and ready for...