by Brother Captain | Sep 28, 2011
First let's get the pics out of the way:Oh and here's the CoolMiniOrNot voting linkNow on to the juicy stuff. I am thinking of starting a commision service. I feel my painting skills, while not great, are adequate, my display cabinet is filling up and I've grown less...
by Brother Captain | Sep 19, 2011
The mini is finaly finished today! I invited a friend to my house so we could inspire each other to work more on our minis. He was converting, I was painting, time went by and soon Mr Yarrick was all painted up! I'll need your help in spotting any mistakes before...
by Brother Captain | Sep 13, 2011
I finally got to tackle some of my favourte colours: metallics! At the moment they've received just a basecoat, a few highlights and a wash. They need some more highlighting before they're ready but... any update is a good update I guess.
by Brother Captain | Sep 1, 2011
So its back to Mr Yarrick after the emergency greenstufing. Today I tackled the laurels and the purity seal wax. It was quite time consumming considering how small these areas are but I'm happy with the end result. I also painted his boots using the same blueish dark...
by Brother Captain | Aug 25, 2011
Long time no post... I decided to do some more work on the comissar today and paint the green laurels but unfortunately I spotted some air bubbles I had failed to notice when I was assembling the mini. So it was emergency greenstuffing for the commissar and no...