by bryce963 | Jul 19, 2012
The link is a delightful post from the Challenge Rating 25 blog about the survey yesterday for D&D Next asking about iconic spells. The survey seemed a bit silly to me, but if it helps make D&D better, I'm for it. I was not a fan of 4e, and play Pathfinder now. But I...
by bryce963 | Jul 12, 2012
Hey everyone, Bryce here, with some quick 6th edition thoughts. Jack and I are currently studying for the Texas bar exam, so here are a few of my precious moments with some thoughts on the new edition. Full disclosure I have not had the chance to play yet,...
by bryce963 | Apr 26, 2012
Hey everyone, Here at DissentingDice we do other things besides school work, miniatures games and drinking. We play board games and drink too! Today I am going to be talking about the relativly new board game from Wizards of the Coast, Lords of Waterdeep. This is a...
by bryce963 | Apr 5, 2012
Good morning ladies and gents, I'm coming to you live from the local Chick-fil-a's wifi. I do really wish they were a proud corporate sponsor of us here at DissentingDice. I didn't get into blogging for the money, but chicken sandwiches and waffle fries would be...
by bryce963 | Mar 26, 2012
Yesterday we talked about models, today we talk about the rules. Alright, the name of the game in Dystopian Wars is rolling handfuls of dice while making explosion and gun noises. The basic mechanic is take a certain number of dice(Attack Dice AD), roll them and count...