by bryce963 | Mar 19, 2012
Long time no type my dear readers, We have been quite busy with the whole law school portion of this blog. But that didn't stop me from heading down to the wonderland that is Austin, TX. The State's mecca of culture, government and most importantly gaming. I was able...
by bryce963 | Feb 21, 2012
Alright, so everyone has seen the Thunderwolf Cavalry models. Oh, you haven't here they are via Ogre Stronghold. Commentary after HUGE pictures. So, if this is all they were going to do, why were these not released either day 1 or very soon afterwards? GW not...
by bryce963 | Feb 4, 2012
I've done a bit of hobby work lately. Also, I'm posting this from my phone. How cool is that? First is my Merc Convict Gunslinger for my Seamus gang, zombie hookers and pistoleros, yes please. Here you can see the skull painted on his face, as well as the Rebel Battle...
by bryce963 | Feb 3, 2012
HOLY CRAP. Warmachine Colossals are amazing. Check out the video HERE. On to the screen caps I made. The following images are taken from the above video as the type of "comment" embodied in 17 USC 107, if the copyright holder wishes them taken down, merely...
by bryce963 | Jan 4, 2012
Hello Dear Readers, We're back, at least I am. Jack has just made some purchases and could have something in store for you in the future. We survived finals and are about to start our last semester of law school. I've been playing a lot of Warmachine...