by Bush Craft | Mar 2, 2015
I don't think I'm going to work today. Here in what is technically considered the Southern US, they don't handle snow very well. Even an inch will cause panic as wrecks pile up on the highways. The roads quickly look something like this: Weather reporters prowl the...
by Bush Craft | Feb 13, 2015
What's up! Time for some radness, so buckle up. First up is this week's winner. Drumroll please... ...and we have a tie! O-M-G, drama. First up is TJ. Good morning, Devil Dog. Tell us a bit about yourself. Dark Future Games - Generosity and Community: TJ wraps his...
by Bush Craft | Feb 3, 2015
What is up, players. The humble Dremel is a bit of kit that doesn't get nearly the love it deserves and today we pay it proper tribute. They come in all shapes and sizes: Big, small, corded, cordless, straight, L-shaped...there's about a million accessories for them,...
by Bush Craft | Jan 30, 2015
Wellllllllllp, I'm on the road again. Didn't bring minis with me so I have nothing to do but browse blogs at night. I also ran an obstacle course at work last week where I bounced off an old telephone pole after a short fall...Hey, surprise: Broken rib! Nice. I'm...
by Bush Craft | Dec 27, 2014
Carrying on from Part One, where we left off with Weaponry and Equipment. There was a couple changes to the last post so you might want to check back with it. Or not. It's a free country. I'm much more awake and rested than last time, but mistakes happen so feel free...