[Surprise Attack!] Road to NOVA Part II

Welcome back! On the return trip from D.C. I pulled off the highway to do a strafing run at a city near me and squared off against Doremicom, who you can blame for teaching my noob ass the ins and outs of Infinity when I'm able to stop by his part of town. Will the...

[Surprise Attack!] Road To NOVA Part I

What is up, players? Remember me? I write here. Seriously, I totally do. I swear. Ask anybody. Time is short, Worthy Foes, and moving fast. My hobby goal of the year is NOVA 2014, and it's right around the corner. Plans include getting my Ariadnans fully painted and...

[Surprise Attack!] Pimpin’, Made Easy

Howdy pardners! It's been a hectic few months for me, sorry for the absence. I'd like to say I'm back in the saddle and poised to viral-bomb your homeworld, but I'm about to leave town for a couple weeks of work, spend 4th of July at home (4th of July is a holiday...

[Surprise Attack!] Infinity Mini-Campaign

Howdy, pardners! Back in the Fall of last year, a notion was kicked out that solidified into a three part mini-campaign that Doremicom, one of the biggest Infinity pimps you'll ever meet, put together at Atomic Empire (which has my highly biased vote for being the...